Comparative Law Webinar – Delay Anaysis North America V UK Preferences


Tuesday, September 24, 2024
6pm BST/ wpm EST/ 10

Imagine you are navigating through the intricate maze of construction project delays. On one side, you have the Time Slice Windows Analysis, a method that slices the project timeline into manageable windows, allowing you to pinpoint delays with surgical precision. On the other side, there’s the As-Built Windows Analysis, which reconstructs the project timeline based on actual events, offering a retrospective view of delays.

In North America, the preference often leans towards the Time Slice Windows Analysis due to its detailed and proactive approach. Meanwhile, in the United Kingdom, the As-Built Windows Analysis is frequently preferred for its comprehensive and retrospective nature, providing a clear picture of what went wrong and when.

Which method do you think would best suit your projects and jurisdiction?

Join us for an engaging webinar featuring a lively discussion and debate between Walied Abdeldayem (North American approach) and Ewen MacLean (UK approach). Discover firsthand why these delay analysis methods are preferred by experts who use them. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the best in the field!