Legal Aspects of Public Private Partnerships in Ireland

Finola McCarthy

October 2001

A paper given in ochestown, Eire at a joint meeting of the Society of Construction Law and the Society of Chartered Surveyors, Southern egion on 30th April 2001.

The author looks at public private partnerships in Ireland and the development and adaptation of the process since 1999. She highlights some of the practical issues to be aware of: the documents, how they work and the legal issues to be aware of.

Types of partnership arrangements – Legal constraints – Contractual structure – Conclusion.

The author:. Finola McCarthy BCL, DipPetLaw, DipEurLaw, solicitor, is head of the PPP Advisory Group at onan Daly Jermyn, solicitors, Cork, Ireland.

Text 11 pages.

PDF file size: 72k

Finola McCarthy
Publication year