Pleading Global Claims

Ben Patten QC

November 2013

A paper presented to the Society of Construction Law at a meeting in Oxford on 27th June 2013

Global claims have always been an area of difficulty for practitioners, and whilst the recent decision in Walter Lillley v Mackay clarifies the law, many questions remain as to what constitutes a global claim and in what circumstances it will be allowed to proceed. This paper gives practical advice on the presentation of a global claim, identifying the steps which can be taken to improve the chances that the claim will succeed and the pitfalls which need to be avoided.

Introduction – Pleading Walter Lilly’s claim – General guidance – Tactics for pleading a global claim.

The author: Ben Patten QC is a barrister practising at 4 New Square, Lincoln’s Inn:

Text 10 pages.

Ben Patten QC
Publication year