Time Management: Understanding and managing time

Stephen Briggs

November 2013

A paper presented to the Society of Construction Law at a meeting in Leeds on 3rd September 2013

‘Without effective time management there can be no effective resource management, cost management, nor allocation of liability for slippage, its recovery, or accountability.’ So says the CIOB Guide to Good Practice in the Management of Time in Complex Projects. This paper looks at what is involved in the preparation and understanding of contract programmes (including their form and content), and then analysing and updating them in the context of managing time in construction projects.

Introduction – Preparing and understanding contract programmes – Form and content of the programme – The programme technique – Analysing and updating programmes.

The author: Stephen Briggs is Vice President and Managing Director, Delay Expert Services (international) with Hill International, London: stevebriggs@hillintl.com.

Text 11 pages.

Stephen Briggs
Publication year