Adjudication - A Wish List

Dr Robert Gaitskell QC

December 2001

A paper based on a talk given to the Society of Construction Law in Edinburgh on 27th November 2001.

The author considers the effect of the introduction of adjudication on the number and nature of disputes going to litigation and arbitration. He goes on to consider the progress of the review of the workings of the Construction Act before setting out his wish list of key development in the procedure of adjudication. In particular this includes a wish that the ambit of the challenges of breach of natural justice and breach of the Human ights Act 1998 are fully explored by the Court of Appeal. He looks at recent TCC decisions on the subject.

Introduction – Why a ‘wish list’? – The list – Natural justice and human rights.

The author:. Dr obert Gaitskell is a practising Queen’s Counsel, specialising in construction and engineering disputes in Keating Chambers, London. He is also a chartered engineer and a form Vice President of the Institution of Electrical Engineers.

Text 13 pages.

PDF file size: 75k

Dr Robert Gaitskell QC
Publication year