Better Ways Than the 'Best Way'? Improving the SCL Delay and Disruption Protocol

Scott Adams

July 2007

A paper based on the highly commended entry in the SCL Hudson Prize essay competition 2006

How well does the SCL Protocol encourage efficient project management? Scott Adams examines its reliance on critical path method (CPM) network programming and its provisions on float and concurrent delay and makes suggestions on how the Protocol's approach could be improved, in the light of modern approaches to project management.

Programme float 'ownership' - Concurrent delay - CPM programming and time-impact delay analysis - Alternative project management techniques: 'critical chain' and 'last planner' - Conclusions.

The author: Scott Adams BEng LLB PgDip LLM CEng MICE FCIArb MAPM MAE is a chartered civil engineer and Managing Director of Scott Adams Conssultants Ltd.

Text 17 pages.

PDF file size: 236k

Scott Adams
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