Beware the Dark Arts! Delay Analysis and the Problems with Reliance on Technology

David Barry

January 2009

A paper presented to the SCL International Conference held in London, 6th-7th October 2008.

David Barry expalins that in this paper he seeks to provide some general clarity as to what each of the commonly used delay analysis techniques are, what they do, what they do not do, and when they may be appropriately applied.  He also discusses the relationship between scheduling and technology.   

Delay analysis methods - 1. The impacted as-planned analysis method - 2. The time impact analysis method - 3. The collapsed as-built or 'but-for' analysis method - 4. Snapshot analysis method - 5. As-planned versus as-built windows analysis method - Choosing a methodology - Technology and scheduling.

The author:  David Barry BSc, MA, MRICS, is a project and construction management professional and former principal of Precept Programme Management which was acquired by Navigant Consulting in 2006.

Text 13 pages
PDF file size: 150k

David Barry
Publication year