A Commentary on the 2004 Construction Act Review

Christopher Dancaster

October 2004

A paper given to a meeting of the Society of Construction Law and the Adjudication Society in London on 5th October 2004

Christopher Dancaster, who is on the working group looking at adjudication, looks at the review of the adjudication and payment provisions of the Construction Act announced in the Chancellor's Budget speech in March 2004. He considers the report that Sir Michael Latham (appointed in April to report to the Construction Minister), presented in mid-September. He goes through the recommendations of the payment provisions and adjudication working groups in some detail. He also looks at three other issues: the function of the adjudicator, the Proceeds of Crime Act and the Money Laundering egulations, and the possibility of have a period for 'crystallisation'.

Introduction - Sir Michael's Latham's report - The report of the payment provisions working group - The report of the adjudication working group - Some additional issues - Finally.

The author: Christopher Dancaster FICS, DipICArb FCIArb is an adjudicator, arbitrator and mediator; he is chairman of the ICS Dispute esolution Faculty Board, a member of the adjudication working group and co-author of Construction Adjudication - A Practical Guide, published by LLP Ltd (2nd edition, July 2004).

Text 16 pages

PDF file size: 80k

Christopher Dancaster
Publication year