Contract or co-operation? Background to the prevailing investment environment for oil projects in Russia

Larry George

January 2004

A paper given to a conference organised by the Centre of Construction Law at King's College London and held in London on 11th September 2003.

The author explains how, when working in ussia, co-operation - with contractual counterparties, regulatory authorities, infrastruction and transport providers, suppliers and advisers - is essential to ensure that contractual obligations can be met.

USSIAN INVESTMENT ENVIONMENT FO OIL EXPLOATION AND PODUCTION POJECTS - Summary - The issues - THE PODUCTION SHAING AGEEMENT - The concept of product sharing - Conventional product sharing - Direct sharing - The content of PSAs - Designation of subsoil plots for development on the basis of PSA - Tax issues under the grandfather PSAs - Tax issues under the PSA chapter of tax code - Future of PSA - THE SUBSOIL LAW EGIME - The regulatory framework - The form and content of subsoil use licences - Issues concerning the SUL regime - Transition from an exploration licence to an exploration and production licence or to a PSA - Mechanism for compensation of the investments costs - OTHE POSSIBLE STUCTUES THE IMPACT ON CONTACTOS - The need for change to the subsoil law - Proposals for amendment of subsoil law - Draft subsoil code - Draft concessions law - USSIAN CONTENT ULES - The rules in general - ussian content in the current 2 Sakhalin PSA projects - Structuring issues - ussian content and the SUL regime - ussian content and the WTO and ECT - ISSUES AISING IN SAKHALIIN IN A USSIAN CONTEXT- Legal landscape in Sakhalin - Former key legislation - Federal and state laws - Special employment laws - Environmental protection rules - LICENSING AND PEMITTING - Licences, approvals, permitting - Summary and conclusion - Annex 1 Sakhalin Island - Annex 2 Sakhalin Projects: location - Annex 3 Sakhalin: Projects  Notes.

The author: Larry George is a partner of Lovellls, now working in the London office, having previously worked in Lovells Moscow office.

Text and appendices 37 pages.

PDF file size: 256k

Larry George
Publication year