Contract or Co-operation? A French perspective

Bruno de Cazalet

October 2003

A paper given to a conference organised by the Centre of Construction Law at King's College London and held in London on 11th September 2003.

Bruno de Cazalet looks at the use of partnering contracts in France. He begins by explaining that, for public works, by law the design and construction have to be kept separate, although there are exceptions to this. He considers the lack of co-operation on the Channel Tunnel project. He then turns to moves towards partnering, in particular on private contracts.

Introduction - The Channel Tunnel experience - Alliances and public contracts - Partnering and private contracts - Conclusions.

The author: Bruno de Cazalet is a partner in Gide Loyrette Nouel in Paris and practices principally in the field of international engineering, construction contracts and project finance.

Text: 5 pages

PDF file size: 53k

Bruno de Cazalet
Publication year