Delivering Infrastructure: International Best Practice - Administered Arbitration

Denis Bensaude

August 2002

A paper based on a talk given to the conference ‘Delivering Infrastructure: International Best Practice’ organised by the Society of Construction Law, Centre of Construction Law at King’s College London, European Society for Construction Law and Society of Construction Arbitrators and held in London on 12th July 2002.

Denis Bensaude looks at the advantages of arbitration, and arbitration administered by the International Chamber of Commerce in particular. He explains the distinctive features of ICC arbitration, including the work of the Secretariat, designation of arbitrators, assistance given in ad hoc arbitrations, the steps taken to monitor the arbitral process, arbitrator remuneration, time limits, terms of reference, scrutiny of the final award, as well as its other dispute resolution services.

Introduction – Advantages of arbitration – ICC arbitration: distinctive features – Other dispute resolution services.

The author: Denis Bensaude is Counsel for the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris; he is an avocet and a member of the New York Bar.

Text 10 pages.

PDF file size: 201k

Denis Bensaude
Publication year