Delivering Infrastructure: International Best Practice - Mexico

Roberto Hernández García

August 2002

A paper based on a talk given to the conference ‘Delivering Infrastructure: International Best Practice’ organised by the Society of Construction Law, Centre of Construction Law at King’s College London, European Society for Construction Law and Society of Construction Arbitrators and held in London on 12th July 2002.

Against the background of a Free Trade Agreement between Mexico and the European Union (which came into force in July 2000), the author sets out the legal framework to undertaking public infrastructure projects in Mexico, and discusses some of the challenges to be faced.

Introduction – The legal framework of public works in Mexico – Development of construction projects before/after the mid 1990s – Searching for better practice in the construction industry – Conclusions.

The author: oberto Hernández García is partner and Operations Director of Corporaciòn Mexicana de Asesores en Derecho SC, a Mexican law firm.

Text 8 pages.

PDF file size: 203k

Roberto Hernández García
Publication year