Delivering Infrastructure: International Best Practice - Trends in China and Hong Kong

Teresa Cheng

August 2002

A paper based on a talk given to the conference ‘Delivering Infrastructure: International Best Practice’ organised by the Society of Construction Law, Centre of Construction Law at King’s College London, European Society for Construction Law and Society of Construction Arbitrators and held in London on 12th July 2002.

Against the background of the significant amount of infrastructure work going on in China, the author looks at some of the special features of the procurement process in China together with developments in contractual arrangements and administration which aim to minimise or avoid disputes, whilst ensuring that the construction works meet the requisite standards.

People’s epublic of China: the Mainland – Hong Kong Special Administrative egion.

The author: Teresa Cheng SC is the deputy chairman of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre and a past chairman of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (East Asia Branch); she is also a chartered engineer and chartered arbitrator, and an honary professor at China University of political Science and Law, Beijing..

Text 9 pages.

PDF file size: 198k

Teresa Cheng
Publication year