The Engineer is Dead. Long Live the Engineer!

This is the ppt presentation to Members.

Presenter Dr Donald Charrett, an experienced barrister at the Victorian Bar, practising in building and engineering disputes and accredited Arbitrator and Mediator.

Donald discussed the changing role of the engineer on a construction project including the following key issues:

  • How traditionally, the engineer “wore many hats” in connection with the project;
  • Why the role of "the Engineer" under the construction contract (engaged by the Employer, but expected to act independently of both contract parties) is largely defunct under many modern construction contracts. He will illustrate this point by reference to caselaw and modern construction contracts.
  • Examples of major problems that have arisen from an inappropriate contractual role for the Engineer resulting from inadequate definition, execution and coordination of the various engineering functions.

Donald argued that, notwithstanding the changed role of the engineer, the definition and proper execution of these functions are as important to the successful outcome of projects

Dr Donald Charrett BE (Hons), LLB (Hons), MConstLaw, PhD
Publication year