Ethics and construction law: Where to start?

His Honour Judge Anthony Thornton QC

April 2004

A paper given to a meeting of the Society of Construction Law and the Technology and Construction Bar Association in London on 2nd December 2003

The author sketches out some of the key considerations that would need to be taken into account in formulating a code of ethical conduct defining ethical standards that all construction professionals should be expected to observe.He considers who is to be covered by the code, what activities are to be covered and the objectives and form of that code.

Introduction - Initial ground rules - The objectives of the suggested code - 'Professional' - The form of the code - The fundamental questions of the code - EU law - Statutory provisions - Confidentiality - Overall - The seven qualities - Should a profession of construction professionals be created? - Conclusion.

His Honour Judge Anthony Thornton QC is a judge of the Technology and Construction Court in London; he is also an honorary member of the Society.

Text 24 pages.

PDF file size: 136k

His Honour Judge Anthony Thornton QC
Publication year