Ethics: The SCL approach and the wider context

Peter Higgins and Philip Britton
July 2008
A paper based on presentations to a meeting of the Society of Construction Law in London on 4th September 2007.

Peter Higgins and Philip Britton

July 2008

A paper based on presentations to a meeting of the Society of Construction Law in London on 4th September 2007.

What has been the progress by the Society of Construction Law in developing ethical standards for the professions involved in construction, and how do the SCL Principles and Guidance from 2006 reflect and mesh with other ethical codes and approaches?  This joint paper by Peter Higgins of the SCL Working Group and Philip Britton of King’s College London summarises the SCL’s work to date and sets it in the wider context of Government initiatives on better regulation and other professions’ activities.

Part 1: The SCL approach - Introduction - The SCL's involvement in ethics - Drafting the Statement - Applying the principles - Future work - Part 2: The wider context - Background - Methodology - A. Coverage: positive - B. Coverage: negative - C. Other insights from the research - Conclusions - Appendix - Glossary.

The authors:  Peter Higgins BSc, CEng, RICE, FCIArb is a director of pdConsult, a consultancy organisation providing advice on construction contracts and Philip Britton LLB, BCL is a former Director, now Visiting Professor, Centre of Construction Law & Dispute Resolution, King's College London.    

Text 23 pages, including Appendix and Glossary.

PDF file size: 284k

Peter Higgins and Philip Britton
Publication year