The Future of Adjudication

Her Honour Judge Frances Kirkham

September 2004

A paper based on a speech given to the Society of Construction Law in London on 27th February 2004

In this speech, given on the occasion of the Society's Annual Lunch at the Brewery Chiswell Street London in February 2004, Judge Kirkham takes a thoughtful look at adjudication as it was initially envisaged, as it is practised some five years later, and how it might be adapted in the future.  In particular she questions the use of the current procedure for post completion disputes. 

Introduction - The industry's view of adjudication - Quick and dirty adjudication - Adjudication for post completion disputes - Adjudication as a final procedure - How adjudication might be adapted. 

The author:  Her Honour Judge Frances Kirkham was a solicitor in private practice before appointment as the Technology and Construction Court judge in Birmingham.    

Text 5 pages

PDF file size: 180k

Her Honour Judge Frances Kirkham
Publication year