How final should dispute resolution be?

Professor John Uff CBE QC

August 2010

A paper presented to the Society of Construction Law at a meeting in London on 6th July 2010.

Professor Uff's paper is concerned with secondary disputes or 'disputes about disputes', that is challenges, either to the process or to the result, including disputed enforcement proceedings. He asks: to what extent should challenges to the process or the result be allowed? He considers the position regarding disputes taken to court (the Technology and Construction Court) and arbitration, and then alternative means of dispute resolution, that is adjudication, expert determination and mediation.

The Technology and Construction Court - Arbitration - Adjudication - Expert determination - Mediation - Conclusion.

The author: John Uff CBE QC is a barrister and arbitrator and Emeritus Professor of Engineering Law at King's College London.

Text 15 pages.

Professor John Uff CBE QC
Publication year