How ICC Operates - and Selects and Appoints Arbitrators

John Rushton

July 2012

A paper presented to the Society of Construction Law at a meeting in Edinburgh on 26th April 2012

If a contract includes an arbitration clause referring disputes to International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) arbitration, or if the parties agree to use ICC procedures, how does the ICC work? What (in particular) will the respective roles be of the Court, the Secretary General and National Committees (or their representatives) in appointing arbitrators and starting the dispute resolution process? John Rushton, the Arbitration and ADR Consultant of the ICC United Kingdom, considers these issues, with insights from his role of proposing the names of arbitrators to the ICC.

Organisation - The Court - Terms of Reference - Scrutiny of the draft award - Determination of the arbitral tribunal's fees - The Secretary General - Appointment of arbitrators.

The author: John M Rushton is the Arbitration and ADR Consultants, ICC United Kingdom.

Text 8 pages.

John Rushton
Publication year