The Inclusive Price Principle - A tribute to Ian Duncan Wallace QC

HH Judge Anthony Thornton QC

July 2007

A paper given to the Society of Construction Law at a meeting in London on 5th February 2007, together with the valedictory address given at the Memorial Service for Ian Duncan Wallace held on 13th November 2006

In ‘The Inclusive Price Principle', Judge Anthony Thornton QC pays tribute to the work and writings of Ian Duncan Wallace QC, charting and analysing his monumental contribution to construction law and its literature; also looking specifically as his approach to a contractor's right to remuneration for a project. The paper also includes, as an appendix, Judge Thornton's valediction to Ian Duncan Wallace, delivered at the memorial service in London in November 2006.

Introduction - Wallace as lawyer and legal scholar - Wallace's overall objective - The origins of the 11th edition - The inclusive price principle - Wallace's writings: conclusions.

The author:  Anthony Thornton QC is a judge in the Technology and Construction Court in London. 

Text 22 pages.

PDF file size: 179k

HH Judge Anthony Thornton QC
Publication year