Insights from beyond construction: collaboration - the Honda experience

Richard Bayfield and Paul Roberts

September 2004

A paper presented to the Society of Construction Law in Oxford on 15th June 2004

The paper takes as a case study the construction of a new European care plant at Swindon for Honda of the UK (Manufacturing) Ltd.  The authors explain in some detail Honda's philosophy and collaborative approach to construction, and the impressive results achieved.  The paper also seeks to answer the question: 'There are many good tools out there but most people don't use them: why?' 

Introduction - Background information - Key findings - Traditional approach to project hand over - Lessons from the automotive industry - Conclusion - ecommendations. 

The authors: Paul Roberts CEng, FICE, FCIoB heads the construction and facilities function at Honda, where he has worked since 1989; Paul has ultimate responsibility for total construction and facilities spend and has been responsible for introducing many of the company's Total Quality Management features into the construction process.  

Richard Bayfield BSc(Hons), MSc, CEng, FICE, FCIArb is an independent consultant and has worked with Honda as a member of the seconded staff team since 1994; ichard provides support to the project team in areas of programming, safety and contracts.  He is a 'Construction Excellence' advisor with a keen interest in bringing innovation and change to the construction industry.  he is also a former chairman of the Society of Construction Law. 

Text and appendices 32 pages.

PDF file size: 166k

Richard Bayfield and Paul Roberts
Publication year