An Introduction to the JCT 'Constructing Excellence' Contract 2007

Martin Howe

December 2007

A paper based on a talk given to the Society of Construction Law in Southampton on 9th October 2007

Building on the ‘Be Collaborative’ standardcontract of 2003, the JCT’s 2007 ‘Constructing Excellence’ form provides acontractual framework for collaborative approaches to projects between all keymembers of a project team.  Martin Howeexplains what is new and special about the form, the range of situations forwhich it can be used, the encouragements to collaborative working which itcontains and the payment, risk and cost choices which parties may adopt.

Why clients should be interested inthe new contract - What differentiates the new contract from existing forms ofpartnering contract? - The documentation - The flexibility of the contract inuse - Encouragement of team working - isk management and the allocation ofresponsibility of risks - 'elief Events' - Payment arrangements - Otherprovisions to underpin collaboration - Conclusions.

The author:  Martin Howe is apartner in the construction team at Bevan Brittan.  He drafted the MOD's'Defcon 2000' suite of construction documents, the construction documentationfor NHS Lift and'Building Schools for the Future' and is joint author of the JCT Construction Excellence contract.

Text and figures 11 pages.

PDF file size: 145k

Martin Howe
Publication year