Judicial Appointments and the Business of Judging

Baroness Usha Prashar CBE and HH Judge Frances Kirkham

November 2007

A paper given to a meeting of the junior branch of the Society of Construction Law at King's College London on 22nd November 2006.

This two-part paper traces the changes which led to the creation of the Judicial Appointments Commission, which started work in 2006, and its approach to its functions. Baroness Usha Prashar CBE discusses the JAC; and HH Judge Frances Kirkham, also a Commissioner, considers pathways into the judiciary and the attractions of a judicial career.

Introduction - part 1 - Who we are - Our duties - The pre-1993 system of appointments - Our priorities and functions - Our partners in diversity - Part 2 - outes into the judiciary - What positions should you consider? - Personal development - What skills and qualities do you need to be a judge? - bar and solicitors - Next steps - Don't delay.   

The authors: Baroness Usha Prashar is Chairwoman of the Judicial Appointment Commission' she is also Chairman of the oyal Commonwealth Society and sits in the House of Lords as a cross-bencher; Her Honour Judge Frances Kirkham was a solicitor in private practice before being appointed a Senior Circuit Judge as the designated TCC judge in Birmingham in October 2000.

Text: 10pages

PDF file size: 89k

Baroness Usha Prashar CBE and HH Judge Frances Kirkham
Publication year