The Obligation to Co-operate: What Does This Involve?

Alan W Shilston

January 2008 (edited and reprinted in memory of the author)

A paper given to a joint meeting of the Society of Construction Law and Society of Construction Arbitrators in London on 2nd June 1992.

In this SCLpaper from 1992, reprinted in memory of the author, Alan Shilston reflects onthe need for co-operation between those making a contribution to construction,the obstacles to its achievement and ways in which it can be encouraged.  Aspects discussed include procurementapproaches and tendering procedures; he also considers the evolution ofstandard forms of contract for engineering projects.

Introduction- The Simon eport of 1944 - The evolution of standard forms of civilengineering contract - 'Taking sides' in construction - Changing attitudes:ground conditions and site information - Alternative approaches to procurement- Tendering and fairness - Co-operation and partnering - The impetus forfurther change - Co-operation as a theme - Changed working relationships:examples - The view ahead - Co-operation: summary - Conclusions.

The author:  Alan W ShilstonBSc, FICE, FIWEM, FIHT, FCIArb (22nd September 1922 - 17th September 2007) wasa civil engineer and arbitrator, and a Founder member of the Society ofConstruction Law.  

Text: 23 pages

PDF file size: 107k

Alan W Shilston
Publication year