The PFE Change Management Supplements: Are they what the industry wants?

Peter Aeberli

December 2005

A paper based on talk given to the Society of Construction Law in London on 8th June 2004.

The author considers whether general adoption of the Pickavance/Fenwick Elliott Change Management Supplements to popular standard forms would be helpful in reconciling these with the SCL Delay and Disruption Protocol.He argues that the approach of the PFE Supplements is too detailed, too prescriptive and too costly - for the Employer - as well as failing to achieve the better resolution of time issues in projects.

Introduction - A new profession of risk manager: paid for by employers? - Complexity and uncertainty in meaning - Forcing contracting parties into an unworkable straightjacket - Information overload - The liquidated damages provisions - Assessing delay - A modest proposal.

The author: Peter Aeberli IBA, AIAS, ACE, FCIArb is a barrister, chartered arbitrator, adjudicator and registered CED mediator; he is also Visiting Senior Lecturer at the Centre of Construction Law & Management, King's College London.

Text: 9 pages

PDF file size: 55k

Peter Aeberli
Publication year