The PIX Protocol: A risk reduction tool for construction projects

Peter W Goodwin

May 2004

A paper given to a meeting of the Society of Construction Law in London on 6th April 2004

The paper sets out a case for the development and adoption of a Project Information eXchange (PIX) Protocol (a set of rules, agreed and committed to by the client and project team, defining how information is to be exchanged on a project) as a tool for risk management on construction projects. It also describes the Protocol Guide & Toolkit (guidance notes, forms and checklists) that have been developed.

Executive summary - Introduction - What is a PIX Protocol? - The PIX Protocol as a risk management tool - Why is a PIX Protocol needed? - Which projects need a PIX Protocol - The PIX Protocol Guide & Toolkit - How to agree a PIX Protocol - Benefits to projects - Evolution of the PIX Protocol through the project - Contract issues - How to move forward - Conclusions.

Peter W Goodwin BSc(Hons), MSc, MBA, DipM, CEng, MICE is a Principal of Goodwin Consulting Group in London.

Text and figures 15 pages

PDF file size: 580k

Peter W Goodwin
Publication year