Presenting Cases in Court - What a judge looks for

HH Judge David Grant

October 2009

An updated version of the paper presented to the Society of Construction Law in Derby on 3rd March 2009.

What expectations do TCC judges have of parties and their representatives during litigation? HH Judge David Grant gives the judicial perspective, stressing the duties on parties to co-operate with each other and with the court, with special reference to cost - and time-saving, the tools of case management and preparation for trial.

The overriding objective and case management - Specific areas of expertise - Advocacy and presentation in court - Case management conferences - The trial - Use of hearsay evidence - The debate about the future style of litigation - Knowledge of costs incurred and likely to be incurred.

HH Judge David Grant is a judge of the Technology and Construction Court in Birmingham.

Text 7 pages.

HH Judge David Grant
Publication year