Privacy in Arbitration: How Far Should we Lift the Curtain on What Happens?

The Rt Hon Lord Dyson

July 2018

A paper presented to a joint meeting of the Society of Construction Law and the Society of Construction Arbitrators in London on 3rd July 2018

In this paper Lord Dyson examines two questions linked by the common thread of privacy and confidentiality in arbitration proceedings. The first question is the extent to which arbitration proceedings (including awards) should, in the absence of consent, be private and confidential to the parties. The second is for what purposes (and subject to what conditions) it is legitimate for arbitrators to use secretaries to help them discharge their tasks.

The author: The Rt Hon Lord Dysonis a former Master of the Rolls and Justice of the Supreme Court, and an honorary member of the Society of Construction Law. 

Text: 14 pages

The Rt Hon Lord Dyson
Publication year