Procedural Orders and Preliminary Meetings in International Construction Arbitration

Richard Harding QC

October 2012

A paper presented to the International Construction Law Conference held in London on 24th September 2012

Procedural orders are often not given the attention they deserve, Richard Harding begins. It is essential that the procedure is carefully though through at an early stage and appropriate directions given. He goes on to consider the steps that should be taken, including practical recommendations.

Introduction - Do you need a preliminary meeting - Legal requirements - What is the case about? - Set the agenda - Directions - Don't try to re-invent the wheel - Hearing date - Create a good impression.

The author: Richard Harding QC is a barrister and arbitrator practising from Keating Chambers, London. He has an MA in Arabic and Persian from Oxford University, and specialises in construction disputes arising in the Middle East. He is founder chairman of the Society of Construction Law (Gulf).

Text 5 pages

Richard Harding QC
Publication year