Professional Negligence: The Changing Coastline of Liability

A paper given to the Society of Construction Law Hong Kong on 30 March 2000

The author considers developments in the law relating to professional negligence, beginning with the basic duty of skill and care before addressing the extent to which, and circumstances in which, a stricter duty to ensure that the product of the professional service is fit for its purpose. The paper goes on to look at concurrent duties of care in both contract and tort, and how the law has developed, differently in some jurisdictions, in relation to claims for the recovery in tort of economic loss with particular reference to the Hong Kong case of Bank of East Asia v. Tsien Wui Marble.

Introduction - The Duty of Care - Contractual Day of Care - A Stricter Duty? - Concurrent Duty of Care in Tort - Economic Loss.

The author: John L. Powell is a Queen's Counsel and member of Chambers at 4 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London.

John Powell QC
Publication year