The Report of The Construction Industry Review Committee ("The Tang Report")

A paper given to the Society of Construction Law Hong Kong on 5 June 2001

In early 2001, the Construction Industry Review Committee issued its report "Construct for Excellence" calling for radical improvements in the delivery of construction projects in Hong Kong, with a total of 109 recommendations.

The author looks at the background to the Report, and the underlying problems facing the Hong Kong construction industry before addressing some of the key recommendations, notably in relation to risk management, quality, value and site supervision.

Background - Some Problems - Vision - Who should Head? - Risk Management - Quality - Value Management - Sub-contractor Registration - Site Supervision and Audits - New Institutional Framework - Conclusion.

The author: Dr. Arthur McInnis is a consultant to Denton Wilde Sapte and Associate Professor in the Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong.

Arthur Mclnnis
Publication year