The Revised CDM Regulations

Gillian Birkby

July 2006

A paper based on a talk given to the Society of Construction Law in London on 4th April 2006.

The egulations and Approved Code of Practice are (at the time of publication) still in draft and the paper is based on the drafting current at April 2006 when the talk was given.  Gillian Birkby looks at the background to the new revision and the philosophy behind it before going through some of the proposed new provisions.

Why are the CDM egulations being changed? - The story so far - What's new - Structure of the egulations - Planning supervision - Layout - Pre-construction phase health and safety plan - Modifiable projects - Duty of co-ordination - Duties on developers - Designs prepared or modified outside Great Britain - Civil liability - Health and safety file - The client - PFI - Management duties - The designer, co-ordinator and principal contractor - Competence - Implication for contracts and appointments.

The author: is a partner of Fladgate Fielder, solicitors, in London and is the Construction Industry Council representative on the working group redrafting the egulations.

Text: 8 pages

PDF file size: 78k

Gillian Birkby
Publication year