Is Single-point Design Responsibility under JCT 05 Illusory?

Professor Peter Hibberd

October 2006

A paper given to the King's College Construction Law Association on 24th November 2005.

The author considers first what single-point design responsibility is, why it is pursued, and how it has been and is being sought.  He then moves on to consider the way contractual arrangements have developed, the wording that has been used and the extent to which the contract forms have been successful in achieving their objectives in regard to liability for design. 

Introduction - What is single-point design responsibility - Why is single-point design responsibility pursued? - How can single-point design responsibility be achieved? - Changes in procurement - What JCT98 forms of contract provide for design? - WCD98 - What JCT 05 form of contract provide for design? - Design and Build Contract (DB 05) - Major Project Construction Contract (MP 05) - Overview - Conclusion.

The author is Secretary-General of the Joint Contracts tribunal Ltd

Text 21 pages

PDF file size: 181k

Professor Peter Hibberd
Publication year