Towards Speedier Settlement

A paper given to the Society of Construction Law Hong Kong on 20 September 2000

The paper reviews the complexities of the relationship between client and contractor in the construction industry, and their particular impact on the Hong Kong Housing Authority, which procures two out of every three new residential units built in Hong Kong each year. The volume of residential units, coupled with a need for speed and an out-moded public sector procurement process, have previously led to disputes and poor construction quality.

Having consulted widely, reforms are now in place to align the public sector with best practice private sector project management. These reforms will involve changes in attitude, and in procurement and work practices. The Housing Authority looks to a future whereby the risk and rewards in the construction process are more evenly shared, with a move towards rewarding excellence instead of penalising poor performance. This will involve a radical change in mindset.

The author: Tony Miller is a JP, Director of Housing and the Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Housing Authority.

Tony Miller
Publication year