Turnkey Contracting under the FIDIC Silver Book: What do owners want? What do they get?

Jonathan Hosie

August 2007

A paper presentedto a meeting of the Society of Construction Law in London on 2ndApril 2007

What contractual provisions do owners look for whenchoosing a turnkey approach to procurement, and how well does the FIDIC SilverBook meet their needs?  Jonathan Hosieexplains owners’ desire for single-point responsibility in a contractor, thedifficulty in achieving that and a number of ways in which the Silver Bookfalls short of the ideal.

Introduction -Turnkey contracting - Projects have a large number of moving parts - Impact ofan over-heated market - A scoresheet for the FIDIC Silver Book - Unforeseenground conditions - Design liability - Handover, testing and commissioning -Force majeure - Limitations of liability - Extensions of time - Conclusions.

The author: Jonathan Hosie is a partner in the Construction & Engineering Group ofinternational law firm Mayer, Brown, owe & Maw LLP,London.    

Text 14 pages.

PDF file size: 135k

Jonathan Hosie
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