Using Advanced Forensic Animations to Resolve Complex Disruption Claims

Keith Pickavance

December 2007

A paperpresented to the inaugural meeting of the Four Counties branch of the Societyof Construction Law in  Milton Keynes on 22nd March 2007.

What contribution to theunderstanding of the causes of disruption can analytical techniques usingbar-charts, histograms and animated reconstructions of the sequence of eventson a project provide?  Keith Pickavanceuses examples and a range of techniques to illustrate ways of analysing thecauses of productivity issues on projects, including via 3D and 4Danimations.  The animations themselves can be downloaded from

Introduction - Change in workingmethod on unchanged scope: Scenario 1 - Change in working method on unchangedscope: Example 1 - Change of method and resources on changed scope:Scenario 2 - Change of scope: Example 2 - Change of scope: Example 3 - Changeof method, resources and scope: Example 4 - Animations as evidence.

Theauthor:  Keith Pickavance is a Senior Vic President of HillInternational and author of Delayand Disruption in Construction Contracts,London, LLP/Informa, third edition,2005. 

Text and figures 16 pages.

PDF file size: 333k

Keith Pickavance
Publication year