The World Bank and Asian Development Bank Form of Contract

A paper given to the Society of Construction Law Hong Kong in Hong Kong on 12 October 2005

In May 2005, FIDIC published a variant of its 1999 Red Book, intended for use on projects funded by Multilateral Development Banks and incorporating many of the specific provisions typically required by the MDBs for such projects.

The author reviews the key provisions of the MDB form, highlighting particular changes from the FIDIC Red Book (1999) and drawing comparisons with the corresponding provisions in the Hong Kong Government form (1999).

Introduction - Overview - Roles of the Bank and the Engineer - Commencement, Completion and Delays - Measurement, Payment and Sureties - Risk and Responsibility - Ground Conditions - Dispute Resolution provisions.

The author: Peter Scott Caldwell BSc CEng FICE FHKIE FCIArb FHKIArb FSIArb FHKIoD and is a civil engineer, Chartered Arbitrator, Accredited Mediator former Secretary-General of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre and past Chairman of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Hong Kong Branch).

Peter Scott Caldwell
Publication year