Design Risk in FIDIC Contracts

Michael Black QC
March 2005
A paper based on a talk given to a meeting of the King's College London Construction Law Association in London on 11th November 2004

This paper examines the legal and commercial considerations affecting the quality of design in the context of the identification, allocation and management of risk, in particular focusing on the FIDIC Red, Yellow and Silver Books.

Unethical Behaviour and Criminal Acts (inc discussion draft of the TI Anti-Corruption Code, March 2005)

Neill Stansbury and Catherine Stansbury

March 2005

A paper presented to a meeting of the Society of Construction Law in London on 14th March 2005 including a discussion draft of the Transparency International (UK) 'Anti-Corruption Code for Individuals in the Construction and Engineering Industry' by Neill Stansbury and Catherine Stansbury, March 2005.

The Place of Standard Forms of Building Contract in the 21st Century

Professor Peter Hibberd
November 2004
A paper based on a talk given at a Society of Construction Law conference in Wakefield on 11th March 2004

The author, Secretary-General of the Joint Contracts Tribunal, discusses the history and background of the JCT forms. He then looks at the purposes of standard forms generally, the way they have developed and criticisms of them.

Insights from beyond construction: collaboration - the Honda experience

Richard Bayfield and Paul Roberts
September 2004
A paper presented to the Society of Construction Law in Oxford on 15th June 2004

The paper takes as a case study the construction of a new European care plant at Swindon for Honda of the UK (Manufacturing) Ltd.  The authors explain in some detail Honda's philosophy and collaborative approach to construction, and the impressive results achieved.  The paper also seeks to answer the question: 'T

The Future of Adjudication

Her Honour Judge Frances Kirkham

September 2004

A paper based on a speech given to the Society of Construction Law in London on 27th February 2004

In this speech, given on the occasion of the Society's Annual Lunch at the Brewery Chiswell Street London in February 2004, Judge Kirkham takes a thoughtful look at adjudication as it was initially envisaged, as it is practised some five years later, and how it might be adapted in the future.  In particular she questions the use of the current procedure for post completion disputes. 

The PIX Protocol: A risk reduction tool for construction projects

Peter W Goodwin

May 2004

A paper given to a meeting of the Society of Construction Law in London on 6th April 2004

The paper sets out a case for the development and adoption of a Project Information eXchange (PIX) Protocol (a set of rules, agreed and committed to by the client and project team, defining how information is to be exchanged on a project) as a tool for risk management on construction projects. It also describes the Protocol Guide & Toolkit (guidance notes, forms and checklists) that have been developed.