
SCL (S) Annual Construction Law Update 2015

Since the Inaugural Annual Construction Law Updates seminar in January 2011, SCL (Singapore) has organised an annual update which has been well-received as a key landmark in each year's construction law-related training calendar.  SCL (Singapore) is pleased to present its must-attend annual overview of key legal issues affecting the construction law industry in Singapore this past year.

Our distinguished speakers, Mr. Chow Kok Fong and Mr. Ho Chien Mien, will discuss updates on cases relating to the Security of Payment Act and recent building & construction cases.

Pure Economic Loss

Pure economic loss has, for some time, been a relatively difficult remedy as a “worth incurred without any physical injury to any asset of the plaintiff." Have the parameters been recently refined or do the courts still fear that if pure economic loss were actionable, there would be no reasonable limit to a defendant's liability and the courts would become overwhelmed with claims?

Ms. Rashda Rana SC will explore the development and the current status of claims for pure economic loss in England and Australia.

Dual Track Proceedings In Arbitration And Litigation: Reducing the Peril of "Double Jeopardy" By Consolidation, Joinder and Appellate Arbitration

"This article is published at 31 Int'l Constr. L. Rev. 537 (Oct. 2014), and is reproduced by kind permission of the author and of the editors and publishers of The International Construction Law Review".